If you have not inherited lots of money or are not working on something great which will make you rich by penny soon, then probably you will work for salary for most of your life and your financial life will be mostly like majority people. If you are enjoying too much today at the cost of future, then there are tough times ahead for you.
"Knowledge is only potential power. Real power is when you put your knowledge into action! To achieve financial freedom you need to take action!"
People burning their money in useless spending today do not realize that they are eating money from their retirement corpus right now, they are putting pressure on their future at this very moment, just because its years away, you don’t realize all this, but one day you will remember all this. Look around people who are retired today, how many of them are self-sufficient and totally independent, enjoying their life to fullest and exactly the way they dreamt all their life? Not many. Do you want to be like them?
Friend let us start saving today for tomorrow not at the cost of today but through better resource planning and management."Knowledge is only potential power. Real power is when you put your knowledge into action! To achieve financial freedom you need to take action!"
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